Algae Removal
USALCO® delivers Aluminum Sulfate and Sodium Aluminate to companies who provide nutrient removal solutions for large bodies of water. Only USALCO can deliver BOTH products for this purpose.

Problems Requiring Algae Removal
Large inputs of nutrients to lakes and reservoirs are well known to cause a variety of water quality problems such as:
- Nuisance algal blooms
- Noxious odors
- Low water clarity
- Low oxygen concentration
- Fish kills
Persistent water quality problems can impair potable water supplies, reduce recreational opportunities and lower property values.
Excess nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, feed the algae. Phosphorus reduction is key to algae removal in lakes.
Phosphorus comes from many sources, including:
- Agricultural fertilizers
- Manure
- Residential lawn fertilizers
- Septic and sewage systems
- Storm water
- Municipal wastewater treatment plants
- Wildlife
- The often overlooked phosphorus rich lake bottom itself!
Learn more about USALCO® Phosphorus Removal products.
Cyanobacteria (also known as blue green algae) are a specific type of algae capable of producing toxins and frequently occur in high nutrient lakes. The increased presence of freshwater toxic algae in our lakes is an alarming and relatively recent trend which is linked to increases in nutrient inputs.
Ingestion and/or contact with algal toxins can cause:
- Skin irritations
- Allergic reactions
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Respiratory problems
- (In some cases) death in pets, livestock and humans
Nutrient Removal Solutions
Toxic algae and nuisance algal blooms (and associated poor water quality symptoms) can be reduced or eliminated by lowering the amount of phosphorus in the lake. USALCO® provides aluminum based products, like Aluminum Sulfate and Sodium Aluminate, to address this problem.
When used properly, these products can reduce the amount of the phosphorus in stormwater, streams and wastewater treatment plant runoff.
These products are highly effective in reducing phosphorus inputs from the lake bottom and lowering the amount of phosphorus in the lake to support the algae. The use of both products when applied and metered correctly insures adequate sequestering of the phosphorus and prevents pH disruptions that can lead to fish kills.
USALCO® is unique in being able to provide both products for algae removal. USALCO can also guide you to applicators who can help solve your algae removal problem.
Packaging & Delivery
We supply the product in bulk quantities in dedicated transportation equipment to insure quality. USALCO® has multiple plants and can manage the chemical logistics of sizable projects required for lake algae removal.